Modelagem de dados com DynamoDB

André Werlang


The Developer's Conference 2017 - Porto Alegre

Do you know DynamoDB?

Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed non-relational database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability.

Use cases

  • Mobile
  • Web
  • Gaming
  • Advertisement
  • IoT


Latency vs Requests


Avoiding throttling

  • Access is evenly spread over key-space
  • Cache popular items
  • Read/write sharding
  • Requests arrive evenly spaced in time


Other features

  • Auto scaling
  • Metrics, monitoring, alarms
  • Triggers & streams (AWS Lambda)
  • Time to live attribute
  • Atomic updates
  • DAX: transparent, in-memory cache

Throughput & costs

  • Read Capacity Unit (RCU) = 4 KB
  • Write Capacity Unit (WCU) = 1 KB
  • Billed by the hour
50 25 3,57
100 50 28,55
2000 400 549,55

* Region South America, monthly price before taxes.


Concepts: Table

P1 S1 string 145.99
P2 S1 string null
P2 S2 string null [12, 34]
P3 S1 string 45.99
Partition key Sort key Item collection

* Max item size: 400 KB

Concepts: Indexes


Sender Msg Id Date Sent To Body

Local Secondary Index

Sender Date Msg Id Sent To

Global Secondary Index

Sent To Date Msg Id Sender

Concepts: Indexes

  • Sparse: ignores items missing key attributes
  • Supported in Query & Scan operations
  • Local
    • Synchronous update
  • Global
    • Eventually consistent, always

Concepts: Data Types

  • Simple
    • string (except empty string)
    • number (stored as text)
    • binary
  • Other
    • boolean
    • set (of string, number, binary)
    • map
    • list (of any)
    • null

DynamoDB Math

3 KB 1 RCU, 3 WCU
1 KB 1 RCU, 1 WCU 1 RCU
2 KB 1 RCU, 2 WCU

Data Operations

Get Item

    TableName: "Users",
    Key: {
        id: "user-123"
    ConsistentRead: false,

Data Operations


    TableName: "Users",
    IndexName: 'ByCountry',
    FilterExpression: "country = 'Brazil'",
    Limit: 10,

Data Operations


    TableName: "Messages",
    KeyConditionExpression: "userId = 'user-123' and date > '2017-10-15'",

Data Operations

Put Item

    TableName: "Messages",
    Item: {
        id: "msg-1",
        userId: "user-123",
        date: "2017-11-07",
        subject: "TDC is about to start...",
        body: "...",

Data Operations

Update Item

    TableName: "Game",
    Key: {
        id: 'game-123',
    UpdateExpression: "
        set topLeft = 'O',
            version = version + 1,
            moves = list_append(moves, ['Alice']),
            metadata = if_not_exists(metadata, {})
        remove pending
        add 'pending' to gameState
    ConditionExpression: "version = 1",

Data Operations

Delete Item

    TableName: "Messages",
    Key: {
        id: 'msg-123',

Update Expressions (SET)

  • Functions: if_not_exists, and list_append

Update Conditionals

  • Comparison: =, <>, <, >, <=, >=, BETWEEN, and IN
  • Logical: NOT, AND, and OR

Modeling with DynamoDB

  • How often data is read?
  • How big are items?
  • How data is retrieved?
  • What attributes change on items?
  • Any popular items?

1:N relations - I

Conference Track - talks as lists

TrackID Title Talks
ID Title Speaker
1 Talk 1 Speaker
2 Talk 2 Speaker
3 Talk 3 Speaker

Writes are expensive and non-atomic.

1:N relations - II

Conference Track - talks as maps

TrackID Title Talks
Title Speaker
1 Talk 1 Speaker
2 Talk 2 Speaker
3 Talk 3 Speaker

Writes are atomic. Writes are still expensive.

1:N relations - III

Conference Track - talks as separate table

TrackID ID Title Speaker
1 1 Talk 1 Speaker 1
1 2 Talk 2 Speaker 2
1 3 Talk 3 Speaker 3

Writes are cheap.

1:N relations - IV

Conference Track - composite sort keys

TrackID ID Title Speaker Date
1 track NoSQL 20171109
1 talk:1 Talk 1 Speaker
1 talk:2 Talk 2 Speaker
1 talk:3 Talk 3 Speaker

Reads are flexible.

Large Items - Overflow table

UserId MsgId Subject Body Parts
1 10 URGENT part 1/3 3
1 25 HELP part 1/1 1
MsgId Part # Body
10 1 part 2/3
10 2 part 3/3

Good for read-only views.

Time Series


Date Id ... 1000 RCUs / 1000 WCUs


Date Id ... 100 RCUs / 100 WCUs


Date Id ... 10 RCUs / 10 WCUs

Time Series


Id Bucket (1..N) Date ... 1000 RCUs / 1000 WCUs

EventsByBucketIndex (GSI)

Bucket Date Id 10 RCUs / 10 WCUs

Scatter / Gather

Are you missing...

  • Transactions?
  • Joins?
  • Ad hoc queries?
  • Geospatial data?
  • Backups?


Did you say NO BACKUPS?


Top 3 reasons

  • Low latency and predictability
  • Scalability
  • Cost effective
  • Bonus: fully managed

Next steps

  1. Download DynamoDB Local at
  2. Run and navigate to http://localhost:8000/shell/
  3. Type tutorial.start() and press ENTER
  4. Follow steps


